This offer is interesting for customers,Which attach great importance to individuality and quality.The mirror tiles are extremely decorativeand give each room that certain something.Components for manufactureOriginated from SAINT-GOBAIN, one of theLeading manufacturers worldwide,he was the first producer of lead-free mirrors.COLORED MIRRORED FLOORS FOR...
VERONA The french vintage line is so diverse and timeless.Here again the wood color harmonizes wonderfullywith the linen-like upholstery fabric and the discreetCarvings are the romantic charm,Let yourself be enchanted by the glamorous furniture.
VENICE is a beautiful furniture line in the French style, it's another suggestion for lovers of stylish interiors. The design inspired by LOUIS and Shabby Chick Subtleties has a unique furniture collection result. Noteworthy are stylish Finish elements, visible nails, metal fittings and irregular coloring. the every model give a special charm. The whole...
VERONA The french vintage line is so diverse and timeless.Here again the wood color harmonizes wonderfullywith the linen-like upholstery fabric and the discreetCarvings are the romantic charm,Let yourself be enchanted by the glamorous furniture.